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Water Birth

Benefits of Waterbirth 


Why do moms & midwives love water birth so much?  Because it REALLY reduces the pain!  Deep-water immersion is an incredibly relaxing way to have a baby.

Giving birth* in a calm, warm, and soothing environment sounds inviting to most mothers. If water is where a mother wants to be and there are no medical complications to prohibit her, then water is where she will feel the most comfortable and relaxed.

In this tranquil setting, a woman’s body is free from gravity’s pull and sensory stimulation is reduced where her body is less likely to secrete stress-related hormones. This allows her body to produce pain inhibitors called endorphins which complement labor.

There are also psychological benefits to laboring in a birthing tub. Water allows the mother to feel more in control of her environment which in turn can reduce stress. Lower stress levels reduce the perception of pain and help the mother to feel more confident about her ability to give birth.

Benefits of using a Birth Tub:

  • Water is soothing, comforting, and relaxing.
  • The buoyancy of water helps mobility so mothers in labor can get into a comfortable position, this can allow more room in the pelvis for the baby to pass.
  • Water alleviates stress-related hormones, allowing the mother’s body to produce endorphins - the body’s natural pain killers.
  • Warm water helps blood circulation which helps supply oxygen to the baby.
  • Warm water allows blood vessels to open helping to stabilize blood pressure.
  • Warm water provides an environment for the baby similar to the amniotic sac.
  • Immersion in water can reduce fluid retention and swelling.

* The birthing tub may be used for labor only or for both labor & delivery of the baby. The mother’s midwife or doctor will advise the couple of the best delivery option for Mom and her baby.




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